Papers on RMi
Palmström A.: RMi – a rock mass characterization system for rock engineering purposes. Ph.D. thesis, Oslo University, Norway, 1995, 400 p.
Palmström A.: Characterizing the strength of rock masses for use in design of underground structures. Int. Conf. on Design and Construction of Underground Structures, New Delhi, 1995.
Palmström A.: Characterizing rock burst and squeezing by the rock mass index. Int. Conf. on Design and Construction of Underground Structures, New Delhi, 1995.
Palmström A.: RMi – a system for characterizing rock mass strength for use in rock engineering. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling Technology, Vol. 1, Number 2, 1995, pp. 69-108.
Palmström A.: RMi – a new practical characterization system for use in rock engineering. Conference Svenska Bergmekanikdagen 1996, Stockholm, pp. 39-63.
Palmström A.: The rock mass index (RMi) applied in rock mechanics and rock engineering. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling Technology, Vol. 2, Number 1, 1996.
Palmström A.: Characterizing rock masses by the RMi for use in practical rock engineering. Part 1: The development of the rock mass index (RMi). Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 175-186, 1996.
Palmström A.: Characterizing rock masses by the RMi for use in practical rock engineering. Part 2: Some practical applications of the rock mass index (RMi). Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 287-303, 1996.
Palmström A.: A new method to characterize rock masses for applications in rock engineering. Norwegian annual conference, Bergmekanikkdagen, 1996, Oslo, 27 p.
Palmström A.: Collection and use of geological data in rock engineering. ISRM News, 1997, pp. 21- 25.
Palmström A.: Characterization of rock masses by the RMi for use in practical rock engineering. (in Spanish). Ingeo Tuneles, volume 2, in series Ingenieria de tuneles, Madrid, 1999, pp. 79 – 107.
Palmström A. and Nilsen B.: Engineering Geology and Rock Engineering. Handbook. Norwegian Tunnelling Society, 2000, 250 p. See Useful information under Miscellaneous tag
Hval O.: Comparison between the engineering geological classification systems RMR, Q and RMi – experience from practical applications in the Tåsen and the Svartdal road tunnels (in Norwegian), Cand.scient. thesis, Oslo University, Norway, December 2000, 230 pages. See abstract
Palmström, A.: Recent developments in rock support estimates by the RMi. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling Technology, vol. 6, no. 1, May 2000, pp. 1 – 19.
Nilsen B., Shrestha G.L., Panthi K.K., Holmøy K.H. and Olsen V.: RMR vs Q vs RMi (file missing?). Tunnels & Tunnelling, May 2003, pp. 45 – 48.
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